Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Ok, once again, feeling a little (ok, a lot) overwhelmed with this whole process, and I need to share. Sometimes, I just want to pack my bags and run away!

This seems to happen every time I stumble upon an amazing photographer's blog and/or website. Ahem... Yep. That's the one. Amazing. Brilliant. Inspiring. Anyways, what am I doing here? I have so much to learn! Ok, taking a deep breath...better. And thank God I went to Yoga tonight.

Switching gears, I saw a great quote today. It goes something like this...

"If you live to be a hundred years old, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I will never have to live without you" By none other than Winnie the Pooh. This is how it translated for me...
I immediately thought of Jillian. I definitley feel this way about her. Oh, and Sara called this morning. "Stop making me cry with your darn photography!"

1 comment:

Meegan said...

I scanned your blog. Read a few of your entries. I think every photographer struggles with the vulnerable feelings. The what in the world am I doing, there are so many amazing photographers out there. . . where do I fit in kind of feelings.
Don't get discouraged. Remember that YOUR perspective is what makes you unique.