Monday, October 8, 2007

Lesson two

lesson two...finding the light. Natural light, ambient light, all kinds of light in your home. I searched high and low for the best light at home. The office and upstairs bedroom were too dark, bathroom was too green, and Jillian's room cast a red tint to everything. Upstairs master bedroom was, well too cluttered. So I tried the open door trick and...voila! Beautiful natural light, and a georgous green backdrop. I am in love with the catchlights I got from using this technique, too. Of course, the trickiest part was trying to stop Jillian from crawling out of the front door!In the first pic, the frontal light was more indirect, coming from a southeastern sky. It was 10am and the sun was still in the Eastern sky, and over the house.Camera was set to AWB, and the early sun is nice and soft, not too flattening. I set to Av mode and a small aperature of f/3.2 since I wasn't going for a lot of depth. Amber's exactly right, a Southern sky casts more golden tones. It was right around 5pm and the sun was just starting to peek through the porch. Same lens, focal length 44mm. This time I set at manual mode, f/2.8. I changed my shutter speed to 1/256 to draw in more light for their faces. It worked. Oh, and a thanks to Aunt Jess, my baby sis :)

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